Department of Leadership and Teacher Education

The mission of the Department of Leadership and Teacher Education is to prepare highly qualified teachers, administrators, supervisors and other professionals for jobs in many academic settings. Undergraduate students at the University of South Alabama can earn the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Education that leads to Alabama Class B certification in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Secondary Education and Special Education. Students can also major in Early Childhood Studies.

The department offers the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree that leads to Alabama Class A Certification in Art Education, Instructional Leadership, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Secondary Education and Special Education. Students can also earn an M.Ed. in Educational Administration with an emphasis in higher education leadership. The department also offers the Educational Specialist degree (Ed.S.) that leads to Alabama Class AA Certification in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Instructional Leadership, Reading Specialist, Secondary Education, Special Education and Teacher Leader. The department also offers the Doctor of Education degree (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership.


▼   Leadership and Teacher Education Student Awards 

OrsoDynae Orso was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding K-6 Teacher Education Student Teacher. Orso earned a bachelor’s in elementary education with certifications in P-3 special education and K-6 special education from the University of South Alabama. Orso is from Mount Vernon, Ala., and decided to attend the South to be close to home.


CooperKayla Cooper was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Graduate Student in Elementary Education. Cooper earned a master’s in elementary education from the University of South Alabama. She is a first generation graduate student with an undergrad degree and now a master’s degree. Cooper plans to continue her education and pursue a doctorate degree. 

I love teaching. I am passionate about continuing to learn and better my field for my students. I believe in being a life-long learner. I was fortunate enough to have Dr. Lauren Brannan for my undergrad degree and graduate school. She has always been so helpful and continues to reach out to me during my first couple of years teaching. She also has been extremely helpful during my graduate school experience and has helped guide me in taking the correct classes. I strive to be as passionate and inspiring as Dr. Kelly Byrd when it comes to math. I love teaching math, and I truly believe it is because of her.


TaylorLaura Taylor was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (M.Ed.). Taylor earned her master’s in K-6 special education from the University of South Alabama. During her time at South, Taylor served as a member of Future Educators of America, Kappa Delta Pi, National Society of Collegiate Scholars and Golden Key International Honor Society. Taylor loves being an elementary resource teacher and eventually sees herself in a self-contained classroom or leadership position.

I chose to study at South because I wanted to be far enough from home to develop some independence, but close enough to visit often. I was also fortunate enough to earn a scholarship from South. I am passionate about Special Education because during my time student teaching I realized it was exactly where I was supposed to be. I enjoy forming relationships with my students and teaching them academically and just as people; it is also a welcome challenge to push myself to find new ways to meet their individual needs.


CrossJonathan "Todd" Cross was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Alt M.Ed.). Cross earned a master’s in 6-12 special education from the University of South Alabama. During his time at South, Cross served as a member of the Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society. He plans to pursue an administration certification in the future. 

After moving to the area and wanting to start my master’s degree, I noticed there were other options. But, with the reputation South has and many people that I respected professionally are USA alumni, choosing South was a very easy decision. I am passionate about working with individuals with disabilities because I understand what it feels like to struggle academically. I love being able to help students have the same opportunities as their non disabled peers.


HareMolly Hare was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding PASSAGE USA Student. Hare earned a certificate as a graduate of PASSAGE USA (Preparing All Students Socially and Academically for Gainful Employment), a two-year non-degree, certificate program. This program is designed for students who need extra support to be successful in our community. During her time at South, Hare served as a member of Civitan Club. She hopes to soon find a job working with kids or animals.

The PASSAGE USA program was created to make people like me with special needs become as independent as possible, to hopefully live independently, to find a job I love, or if not, then look for another, because I am capable.


EdmondsLydia Edmonds was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding K-12 Leadership Master’s Student. Edmonds will earn a master’s in education from the University of South Alabama in July 2020. She is a math instructor and the IB coordinator for Davidson High School. Edmonds chose to study at South because there was a mixture of both face-to-face instruction and online options.


MarkerHeath Marker was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Higher Education Leadership Master’s Student. Marker earned a master’s in higher education leadership from the University of South Alabama. He works as an admissions officer at the University of West Florida.





Raven McShan was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Secondary Education Student Teacher. McShan earned a master’s in education from the University of South Alabama. During her time at South, McShan was a member of the Honors College, Abeneefoo Kuo, and National Society for Collegiate Scholars. She served as the 2018-2019 poetry editor for the Oracle Fine Arts Review, a participant of 2017-2019 V-Day and a presenter in the 2019 Honors College Senior Showcase. 

I heard great things about the education program and had positive experiences with student teachers and educators from South. My mother is an educator, so I was able to witness how educators go above and beyond their duties in the classroom to make a change. I wanted to be a changemaker, too. USA has strong ties to Mobile's education community and provides resources and networking opportunities that set their students up for success. In my experience, I felt much more prepared on an academic and pragmatic level because of my courses and internship through South. 


FaithCindy Faith was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Student in Secondary Education. Faith earned an alternative master’s in secondary mathematics education from the University of South Alabama. During her time at South, Faith served as a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi. Faith currently teaches AP Calculus and Precalculus at Satsuma High School. She would like to pursue an education specialist degree, an educational doctorate degree or become National Board Certified.

I had heard so many great things about South, so when I decided to pursue my master’s in education, it was at the top of my list of schools to consider. When I found out about the Pathway to Mathematics Noyce program, the decision was made! Many students doubt their mathematical abilities or even believe they “can’t do math.” I believe all students can learn math if we teachers find a means of instruction that makes it relatable, approachable and clear to them. I am passionate about teaching math because math opens doors of opportunity for students, and I want every one of my students to realize their full potential so they are able to pursue those opportunities if they so choose. There is no better way I could live out my love for learning, teaching, math, and kids, than to be a math teacher. I am now who I was called to be!


SharpGillianne Sharp was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Undergraduate Student K-6 in Teacher Education. Sharp earned a bachelor’s K-6 teacher education from the University of South Alabama. During her time at South, Sharp was a member of the USA Cross Country and Track Team, FCA and Campus Outreach. Next, she plans to pursue her master’s in early childhood education. 

I originally came to South to run Cross Country and Track. I discovered that I wished to change my major to education, and was completely drawn into the program. I have always loved working with kids and working with students is even better. Being able to connect to students through academics is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. Ms. Joan Holland was one of my first professors in the USA College of Education and Professional Studies. She has high standards for her students and expects us to try our very best. She allowed me to be a part of a Reading Camp at Fonde Elementary School with some of my fellow classmates. Although this was early on in my experience with the program, it was one to remember. It meant so much to me to be trusted, encouraged, and loved by her before, during, and after the experience.


SchlumphShawn Schlumpf was named the 2020 Department of Leadership and Teacher Education Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Special Education 6-12. Schlumpf earned a bachelor’s in special education from the University of South Alabama. During his time at South, Schlumpf worked with students in PASSAGE USA. 

I decided to attend South because it’s in my hometown and a majority of the people I grew up learning from were alumni.


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